Monday, May 4, 2009

Favorite Foto Friday...on Monday!

No need to adjust your computer screen, Luke really is upside down in this photo. At the tender age of three, he can do a headstand...with pretty good form, in my opinion. It was a little shocking when he first began "practicing" this skill in his crib after he awakened from his afternoon nap. In no time, he had perfected this move - and now he can be found on his head all over the place. Luke even did a headstand for our pediatrician at his 3 year old well-check. The pediatrician suggested we get Luke involved in a "high energy organized sport." {grin} He really is amazing little boy...very physically advanced. At one year old, he could do a somersault. At two, he could wink each eye independently. Now, at three he has mastered the headstand. Who knows what year four will bring?


Unknown said...

cart wheels, flips, oh the possibilities! I had a former student who at 10 could do parallel just never know.

Unknown said...

Hilarious! Olympics here the Johnson's come!

Rick and Beth said...

Headstands in his crib?!? Amazing!! Does he give lessons?

Tony and Rett said...

Hysterical! I have tried to teach the girls how to do those, but I think they're too fearful!