Thursday, March 19, 2009


No, I am not down in the dumps...just wondering if I have been suffering from a mild case of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). You know, the sun doesn't shine much during the long winter months...and it can leave this momma feeling a little "blah." I am growing more convinced that I am solar powered. I can accomplish twice as much on a sunny day - and while singing a happy song! {grin and wink}

The past few days we have enjoyed sunny days and warm temperatures (in the low 70's midweek)here in Kentucky. Our windows have been open and our doors, too. The storm doors at our front and back doors are full-view glass with pull-down screens (I hope you know what I am talking about). This view of the outside world has left us amazed - we've seen birds (Luke's personal favorite), noticed our lilac bush is budding, witnessed our grass "greening" up, and watched the older kids riding bikes after school. Getting all of the boys outside by myself remains a challenge...maybe even more of a challenge than last summer. Luke has a greater understanding of our boundaries - and most of the time he respects them. Sam is totally reliable and typical first-born who always follows the rules. Caleb and Matthew are no longer content to sit in the stroller while the bigger boys play outside - they want to be in on the action! With no fence to contain them(and a big flight of stairs to our yard), it's a challenge to watch them all. It leaves me frazzled! So, we tend to play at the sand table on our deck before and after nap time...and wait until Brad gets home to really play outside.

The past few days - we have all been so excited to get outside. I have been motivated to have dinner ready on time, if not early. Sam and Luke have eaten dinner quickly in order to maximize our outside playtime in the evening. I think Brad has even gotten home a little bit earlier. We are all enjoying the great outdoors again! Caleb and Matthew have been exploring this new part of their world, too. So funny to watch them discover grass. Neither of them are fond of it. Matthew will work very hard to avoid falling down...he doesn't want to touch the grass in order to get back up! Caleb is very unsure about walking on the grass - as a matter of fact, he took just a step or two and then remained perfectly still the first time he was in the grass. I am sure this won't last long. I predict that by the end of the summer, they will be unstoppable!

I am sorry for the lack of new pictures. It's the same tired excuse, just haven't gotten around to uploading them yet. {grin}

1 comment:

Chris and Sarah said...

I know I have SAD.

We have no fence either and it stinks but we get by. Glad to know you guys are enjoying the weather too.